Friday, April 1, 2011

Flashback from Shutterfly part II

The Race   
December 18, 2008
If you ever ran in a long distance race you know that there is a point in the race when you can finally catch a glimpse of the finish line. Still a good distance away but close enough to offer you a bit of hope. You know that this is where you must muster up the strength to not only finish but also somehow convince your exhausted body to sprint towards the line. You've worked to hard to go out with anything less than your best, but overcoming the toll the past few miles has taken on your body won't be easy. So with all that you have you begin to increase your speed and wonder if your efforts are being translated into results. Discouraged, exhausted, and hurting you press on at all cost because quitting is not an option….
This is where Todd is right now as he begins his 5th of seven finals. Please pray for his strength to endure what the next 24 hours brings. Although, this is only one leg of an exhausting marathon it does bring us a step closer to the goal.

Sick Babies  
January 13, 2009

Wow! What a rough few weeks health wise with the kids. They have all been so sick with everything from stomach viruses to pneumonia. I don't even have to sign in at the doctor’s office anymore, they get my paper work ready as soon as they see us.
Disney was great after the kids all got over their stomach viruses that they came down with on the first night. We still managed to see a lot and enjoy our time together. It brook my heart to see my babies feeling so badly when the really wanted to be excited. I knew just how bad it was when Todd Christopher didn't make much fuss over seeing the Power Rangers, if he had been well you wouldn't have been able to keep him in his skin. We did manage to chase down nearly every Disney character and get their autographs (this was a very big deal for us). It sure beat standing in line for rides for hours upon hours. We are so thankful for fast passes and parent swap, which made riding some rides easier!
I'll post pictures as soon as our rigorous routine of oral medications and breathing treatments (for all three) slows down.
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

Back To Reality  
January 28, 2009
Well it is very clear around the Bramlee house that vacation is behind us and reality is back. Todd just finished with six tests, two on Monday and four on Tuesday. Once again we survived the hardships that come along with testing time. We have a few weeks before we are back to that grind and until then we will just keep plugging along.
Poor little Addyson is having surgery on February 19 at CAMC Women and Children’s Hospital, they are putting tubes in her ears to alleviate all those nasty ear infections. Although, it is a relatively simple procedure she is still my baby and I can't help but worry.
We have prayerfully decided to homeschool the kids and took Todd Christopher out of public school after the holiday break. I can't be more excited about how well it is going. It amazes me how quickly they are picking up things and progressing. We have a lot of friends here that are also homeschooling and we get together weekly.
We hope everyone is doing well and not to affected by the winter weather (which by the way we have had none of here in Lewisburg, much to my children's disappointment). Stay warm and safe, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you dearly!

One Year Down, Almost!   
April 21, 2009
Well, believe it or not we are coming to the end of the first year. What a year it has been..... May 29th cannot get here fast enough, which is hard for me to say since I am not a person that ever wishes away time. We have been blessed a hundred times over this year and I am thankful beyond measure. There were so many times that it seemed so dark and every time the Lord shinned His light through only to reveal His amazing blessings. I am so unworthy of all the faithfulness that He has shown to us, and yet over and over again  He comes through. We have grown so much as a family, in ways that I never could have imagined. We have a new appreciation for so many little things in life, things that before we just seemed to look over. Please continue to pray us out of this first year, only a month and a half to go. Thank you for your love!
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