Cohen Isaac Bramlee
Well little man it has been a rough start to the new year but things are starting to improve.
You have had quite the 6 months, full of growing and learning new tricks. We are so happy that you are part of this family. We love you so much little bullfrog.
You turned 6 moths old on March 14, 2013.
Things you have learned to do so far:
~Laugh at everyone
~Roll from your back to front and front to back
~ Sit up on your own |
~Out grow the mow-hawk you were born with...I miss it already |
~Eat oatmeal (but we had to stop because it was giving you tummy problems)
~Jump in your jumpy chair (probably one of your favorite things to also puts you to sleep)!
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~Your starting to get the hang of cruising around in your GT |
You have have already been diagnosed with Laryngomalacia and Asthma and have been in the hospital twice. Unfortunately, by this age you have already had a few medications.... Zantac, Steroids, Albuterol, Antibiotics, and two maintenance drugs (Prevacid and Pulmicort). We have deemed you our "Little Volcano" because you spit up all the time.....and everywhere!
From your 6 month check-up (you were finally well enough to get your vaccinations) :
Weight: 17 lbs. 9 oz. 50%
Height: 26 in. 25%
Head: 18 in. 90%
The first 6 months with you have brought so much joy to our family. It is exciting to see your little personality starting to emerge. You are a patient and easy going little boy and you love to sit back and watch all of the commotion in our house. It isn't very often that you are left to yourself, you are constantly being showered with love and attention. I look forward to watching you find your place this crazy but wonderfully happy family that God has given us.
I love you with all of my heart littlest bullfrog..... Happy 6 Months!
James 1:17a "Every good and perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights"