Please, let me introduce you to an incredible little girl... I promise she will change the way you look at life.
I used to think that B was for boy or ball, but I have learned that it is most certainly for Bennett. This spunky blue eyed little soul is full of lessons to teach the world. And although she has experienced more trials in the past five months than most will in a lifetime... she still manages to smile.
Bennett is BOLD, beautiful, strong willed, and determined. She has the sweetest spirit that will cause you to fall in love with her the moment you meet her. She has an amazing presence that can't help but steal the attention of everyone near her. She knows exactly what she likes and how to stand up for it. She is quite possibly the smartest 2 3 year old ever and articulate beyond her years. She is brave, not because she wants to be but because she has to be and her bravery is tested daily.
Bennett was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor this past July. Her days are now filled with invasions on her body and strangers calling the shots trying to take away the one thing that Bennett holds most dear... her independence.
Today this beautiful little girl will be spending her birthday in the midst of strange faces and hospital walls. Instead of enjoying party games and playing with friends she will be receiving chemotherapy, mountains that no child should ever be forced to face, especially on their birthday!
I am amazed by the incredible strength that comes from such a petite little package and I am grateful from the lessons that I have learned from this special little girl. Bennett has taught me...
to appreciate the small things in life, just as she does for the tiny treasures she collects, to keep smiling even when I feel like I can't, to remain bold even when my spirit is weak, to stand up for what I believe is right, and to always give the gift of love.
To know this wonderful little gal is to love her and the same is true for her beautiful family. The only thing equally amazing to Bennett is her extraordinary mother. Katie Anne is fighting the biggest battle of her life while caring for a newborn and doing both with such grace and dignity, relying on faith and leaning on God. She has been an incredible source of inspiration and strength for me and so many others, I am so grateful to have been given the chance to know her.
Thank you Bennett and Katie Anne for teaching us what true beauty really looks like.
Happy Birthday Sweet Bennett, We love you!!
Two ways to Support Bennett and her Family:
Send Christmas Cards to Bennett and her family...
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati
Lester Family Room 40
350 Erkenbrecher Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229