Monday, January 22, 2018

A Day In The Life 2.0

I can't believe how long it has been since I typed words on this page. It's been a tough year and honestly, I have struggled with finding words to write. The truth is, I want to stay positive and focus on the good... but the past year has been a doozie.

So I decided to do a fun update on our, "A Day In The Life".  I find it so funny that our old post lingers at the top of my, Most Frequently Read list and yet it is so far from being an accurate depiction of our current life.  Consider this A Day In The Life 2.0 an updated "Real" version.

January 18, 2018

7:00 am Wake up with a child crying that her throat hurt.

7:10 am Take her downstairs to get her some ibuprofen and make her some hot tea.

7:20 am Go back upstairs to get Cohen and change his g-tube drain (a.k.a. belly diaper), then head back downstairs.

7:30 am The rest of the gang begins to trickle down and begin to want to eat.

7:35 am Make breakfast for everyone.

8:00 am Remember that I had forgotten to make my coffee but managed to receive a compliment from my ten-year-old,  that despite me not having my coffee yet... I was actually still nice.

8:30 am Clean up dishes and referee a spontaneous Nerf battle that broke out all around me.

8:45 am Give morning medications.

9:00 am Morning devotions

9:30 am Get everyone started on school work.

10:00 am Give Cohen a bath.

10:20 am Prepare supplies and then change Cohen's dressing with Todd (who hadn't left for work yet because of snow delay).

11:00 am Work with the little kids on their school work and talk with medical supply company and nursing agency on the phone.

12:00 pm Prepare lunch for my crew.

12:30 pm More phone conversations with another nurse and insurance company.

1:00 pm Work with my high school kiddo on his research project.

2:00 pm Work with my middle schooler on her math review and go over her test.

2:30 pm Prepare supplies and set up Cohen's TPN infusion.

3:00 pm Prepare supplies and set up Cohen's steroid infusion.

3:15 pm Finish and flush of Cohen's steroids and speak to Cohen's medical supply deliverer.

3:30 pm Fix snacks sandwiches for my four oldest kiddos so they won't starve during their workouts.

3:45 pm  Fix three heads of beautiful hair for gymnastics practice.

4:00 pm Pack this crew into the car.

4:15 pm Run to the bank.

4:30 pm Drop the girls off at gymnastics and speak with the coaches briefly about their meet tomorrow.

4:50 pm Call from our amazing nurse in Cincinnati to touch base on the day.

5:00 pm Take oldest to meet daddy at the gym for their boys only workout.

5:20 pm Hurry home to meet our medical supply deliverer.

5:45 pm Unload all of Cohen's WEEKLY medication and supplies and put them away.

6:00 pm Prepare supplies for Cohen's medication infusion.

6:30 pm Make dinner and put it in the oven.

7:00 pm Flush off Cohen's medication.

7:15 pm Head out to get gas and then go to the girl's gym to watch them before practice ends.

8:00 pm Talk to the girls' coaches and then head home.

8:05 pm Remember that we have to get note cards for my oldest child, so we stop at the store... after leaving the store I remember I also needed bobby pins and hair gel for the girls gymnastic "meet hairdos"... so I run back into the store!

8:20 pm Finally arrive back home for some long overdue dinner, I'm starving!!

8:25 pm Remember to call and wish our cousin happy birthday, before its actually over (in our defense we did celebrate with him last weekend).

8:40 pm Dinner Time devotions, with daddy.

8:55 pm Clean up the kitchen and the girls get their baths.

9:15 pm Boys head to bed and girls line up to get their "meet hairdos" (we have to leave really early in the morning for their meet, two hours away, and getting 3 heads done that time of day just isn't in my skill set!)

10:00 pm Gymnastic hair completed and girls tucked into bed.

10:15 pm My turn to get showered.

11:00 pm Pack all of Cohen's medications that I will need for the next day and double check to make sure that the girls have all of their stuff for the gymnastics meet.

11:30 pm My exhausted head finally hits the pillow! Tomorrow will be the difficult day.... ALL day gymnastic meet with five kids and no available husband..... yup.... Just another day in the life and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

*Before I get the school question.... yes an hour of individual time can be enough per child when you work one on one. And yes my older kids work independently (for the most part) with the exception of some subjects and projects... that's the benefit of teaching your children to learn, "how to learn".

Don't get me wrong there are some days when I spend a lot more time with individual children and at any given time a child needs help with their school work. Today was actually a lighter school day because no one was learning new concepts, those days are more involved for me.
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