Sunday, August 14, 2011

My Favorite Question!

My favorite question believe it or not isn't about my husband or even my children.... I know that is very hard for some to believe, but it's true.  It isn't about homeschooling, healthy eating or exercise, however I do enjoy a good conversation about all of these topics.
Sadly enough my favorite question isn't asked to me very often... 
so I suppose you could say that I get really excited when the opportunity presents it's self.

So what is my favorite question?

"What is God doing in your life?"

The answer is written on the many pages of this blog.  Everything I have is in His life is His.  I couldn't imagine taking a step on my own, I depend on Him for every breath that moves through my lungs.  Although, my life doesn't make logical sense I know that He has brought me here for a greater purpose than my mind can fathom, and I will sit and wait each day for His direction.
I know that my brokenness has molded me and prepared me for the path 

that He lays before me....
and I am ready to travel it.... 
without questions or worries.  
The pains and sorrows of this world are too heavy for me to carry and would consume me if I tried.  So I give it all over to Him knowing that He will  protect me and direct me to become something more than I am today, thankful that He loves me to much to leave me the way  that I am.
 I have seen His faithfulness to many times to ever doubt Him.

So the short answer.....  He's breathing for me, because I can't nor would I even want to try on my own!

your photo name

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lord for using these words to remind me today that you are in control of tomorrow! It was only a few days ago when I wrote them and already I am being tested. Dear Lord thank your for what you are about to do.


If you really want to make me smile then leave me a message, I would love to hear your thoughts....