Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Reese-Pie...Reese-Pie, Oh my Reese-Pie

Happy 4th Birthday to my spunky little funny bug. We are so blessed to have you in this crazy little gang or ours. You are such an amazing little life and you bring happiness to each and everyday.
 I love that you can act like a teenager one minute and then a toddler the next.
I love that you never shy away from giving your opinion, or demonstrating your uncharacteristic strength for someone so small.

I love that no matter what you find when you look out the window each day you say, "Mama, it's such a beautiful day." 
I love that you remind me that life is short and childhood is even shorter.

I love that you think it is hilarious to hide for minutes behind walls just to jump out and scare us.

I love that you climb in bed with me really early every morning just to snuggle.
 I love that you still put your shoes on the wrong feet just because you, "like it better that way."

  I love that you won't go to sleep at night until I give you your hugamugas (nose kisses... see Daniel Tiger for more details).

I love that you really do want to be a princess when you grow up, except for the day you thought perhaps you would like to be a dentist.

I love that you do the Reese-Pie Dance, when we sing, "Reese-Pie, Reese-Pie....Oh, my Reese-Pie."

I love the way you sing all day long, reminding me that nothing should keep us 
from making a joyful noise. 

 Oh, Reesie-Pie how we love you soooo!
Happy Birthday Sweet Little Girl!

Psalm 100:1-2
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.  Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.

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