Friday, May 6, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Homeschooling Mama

Sometimes the best laid plans are just that....plans.  However, the reality of what happens is usually much different.  The beauty of our life is that we are free to make it what we choose it to be.  With that said, the truth of reality is that it can often look pretty ugly at times.  

So picture this... A pristinely clean home with children groomed and dressed to the nines and picture perfect.  Each child is sitting quietly while they work diligently on their school work.  The children are so in love with learning that they never look up from their work and even request extra when they are finished.  Every task is finished in the alloted time and the day moves on without a glitch or blemish.

Now take that image and run a tornado through it.....thats more like it!

Our reality may not always be pretty but it is productive.  My day my not EVER go as planned but at the end of it I have satisfaction.  The foundation of my reality is that I spent the day with MY children and they learned MY values and it was MY eyes that witnessed their struggles and accomplishments.  No, I can pretty much guarantee that it won't be the plan that I pictured in my mind and much of the time it can feel like chaos, but at the end of everyday the satisfaction is all mine.

Picture the image above again and then remember that sometimes...

Babies get fussy even though it's math time...
Spills have to be cleaned up during grammar...
Toddlers need cuddles when older children are reading...
Diapers may need changed during spelling...
Children (and Mamas) get frustrated during lessons...
And Boo Boos need kissed no matter what important task you are focused on at that moment...

Now you have a much more accurate picture of our day!

Our life is full of unexpected interruptions and distractions, our daily path can detour very quickly.  But at the end of everyday we have accomplished my greatest desires....we laughed, loved, learned and yes, even struggled together... as a family!

So I will proudly take these struggles and chaos of today because all to soon....

The little arms that reach for me will be gone...
The sweet kisses from tiny lips will just be memories...
My lap will be all to empty...
My kisses will loose their healing power...
No one will interrupt me while I am speaking...
And my home will be eerily quiet...

And in my moments of reflection I will ache for the interruptions and distractions of today.  But I will have satisfaction in knowing that all of my sacrifices of today will have produced new joys and closer relationship for tomorrow.  So even though this life of ours may seem unusual to some, we choose it because for us the reasons to do it far out way the reasons to not.
your photo name


  1. So true! As I told the girls today- We need to live each day to the fullest, be the person we know God has intended us to be, treat everyone with kindness and respect so that we will have no regrets.
    Tomorrow comes all too soon and life is precious and unprepictable.

  2. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, that Melanie! I hope you don't mind if I borrow your words. They are to wise not to share. Love you!

  3. I have a feeling that your children will always want to come back to your house no matter how old they get because of all the love and support they get. You are never to old to need your mom and dad! I know, I'm grown and I always like and want to be at your house!


If you really want to make me smile then leave me a message, I would love to hear your thoughts....